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 Hair grows as fast as the wind blows

 Just use it and you will prove our product is best

 A balance, natural herbal hair support formula for grow thicker, longer, stronger, shiner & healthier hair

Herbal Hair Growth Remedy
Product Description Quantity Price Pak Rs. Price Per Capsule Rs. Saving Rs. Shipping Rs. Add To Cart
Starter Package for One Month 60 Capsules
(01 Bottle)
2100.00 35.00 - 250.00 Add to cart
Smart Package for Two Months 120 Capsules
(02 Bottles)
3780.00 31.50 420.00 Free Add to cart
Recommended Package for Three Months 180 Capsules
(03 Bottles)
5350.00 29.72 950.00 Free Add to cart
Best Saving Package for Four Months 240 Capsules
(04 Bottles)
6720.00 28.00 1680.00 Free Add to cart


Too much loss of hairs is referred as hair loss, growing and losing hair is a normal process of the body, normally a hair stays on the scalp for about 2-3 years and during these years it grows at a pace of one centimeter per month. During last 3-4 months of its lifecycle hair stops growing, this phase is called resting phase of hair after which it falls off and a new hair starts growing. At any point of time a person has 90% of hair which are in growing phase while 10% are in resting phase and a healthy person loses around 100 hairs everyday by natural process. Hair loss much more than 100 hairs per day or slow growth or lack of hair growth at any part of scalp causing bald spots or baldness are referred as hair loss. HAIRTON herbal capsules use a powerful combination of herbs & Vitamins that work to decrease DHT levels within the hair follicles. HAIRTON herbal capsules seeds your follicles with the nutrients they need for new hair growth. These are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and go straight to your scalp where they nourish and repair damaged hair follicles and kick-start inactive ones. The result healthy new hair growth! Some customers report new hair growth within a month. But since hair growth takes time, we recommend that you use HAIRTON herbal capsules for at least 3 to 4 months to see best results. Many customers also report that their hair grows 75% to 100% faster, in as little as 3 months! Once HAIRTON herbal capsules have repaired your follicles, hair growth often continues even after you’ve stopped using it. In other cases, continued use (perhaps at a lesser dosage) may be needed to maintain new hair growth. HAIRTON herbal capsules won’t cause unwanted hair growth (facial hair, legs, etc.) because the cycle of hair growth differs on different areas of the body. What really distinguishes HAIRTON herbal capsules from other hair growth products is its powerful, synergistic combination of ingredients. Some combat DHT, helping to stop further hair loss. Others help repair your follicles and nourish them with the nutrients they need for growing healthy new hair. Only HAIRTON herbal capsules contain our scientifically researched, doctor-formulated combination of many proven herbs and nutrients. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to reinforce the effects of the others. It’s a classic example of the sum being greater than the parts! Products that reduce the effects of DHT can stop hair loss. And, with proper nourishment, damaged and dormant hair follicles can be repaired and even reactivated, resulting in new hair growth. HAIRTON herbal capsules are so effective that it can promote hair growth even at bald spots and maintains natural softness, shine, and color of hairs. It penetrates deep into the scalp and improves its nourishment, remove dead skin to open clogged pores and fight back negative effects of external agents to minimize hair-fall, cure dandruff and promote hair growth.

Health benefits of HAIRTON herbal capsules for both men and women

  1. Stimulates hair follicles to grow new hair
  2. Fight against Alopecia (baldness/loss of hair)
  3. Best hair grows herbs & vitamins for faster growing hair naturally
  4. Helps to control & prevent hair loss by strengthen hair roots
  5. Natural active vitamins, mineral and herbs Ingredients relieve dandruff for a healthy scalp from within
  6. Our formula is tailored to be a hair loss treatment for people with thinning hair
  7. Relieves dandruff, itchy scalp, dryness, irritation, flaking and oily scalp
  8. Helps relieve dandruff for a healthy scalp day after day
  9. Helps to promotes hair growth
  10. Removes serum and DHT from the scalp
  11. Contains essential bio-active nutrients and herbs that improve the hair and scalp condition, creating a healthy environment for hair growth
  12. It nourishes and softens the scalp eliminating itching and scales leaving the last scalp intervening dandruff with healthy scalp and shiny hair
  13. Strengthens & nourish hair roots
  14. Nourishes your hair from the inside out
  15. It rejuvenates the scalp, making hair healthy, thick and lustrous
  16. Helps strengthen the immunity and provides the body with nutrients essential for healthy hair growth
  17. It is an effective remedy against dandruff and can reverse balding and premature graying
  18. Users can expect noticeable results with stronger, thicker hair texture
  19. Strengthens hair, makes it look healthier, full and glossy
  20. Promote naturally strong and shining hair and also may help to reduce the dandruff problems
  21. Helps to rejuvenate the cells and may delay the age-related issues
  22. the properties of this hair care formulation act as an excellent tonic to hair and scalp
  23. Anti aging & rejuvenating properties may help to enhance pigmentation & may delay premature graying of hair
  24. Help to remove dandruff from the scalp and thus offers naturally shining hair
  25. Helps with the removal of DHT and rejuvenates your hair that was lost due to genetic or environmental factors
  26. It helps the blood circulation to the scalp to rejuvenate hair follicles
  27. Protects hair follicles reduces breakage and tips makes hair healthy and thick
  28. Treats hair loss with natural ingredients that work to stimulate the hair follicle
  29. Lightens the scalp and keeps the scalp healthy and without dandruff
  30. Creating an ideal environment for healthy hair to grow
  31. Deliver fast amazing results for man & women who struggle with dry and damaged hair
  32. It will help keep your hair shiny and healthy
  33. It nourishing the works tirelessly to help you achieve thicker and fuller hair
  34. Helps to prevent premature whitening of hair
  35. Promotes hair follicle cell division which prevents graying (white hair) and strengthens hair roots
  36. Helps hair grow longer and healthier by making it less susceptible to breakage and damage
  37. Block production of DHT & helps your hair grow again
  38. Grow stronger, thicker, longer & fuller hair
  39. Prevent split, broken & dry hair
  40. Prevents further hair loss
  41. Excellent hair tonic, to improve the health of your hair & scalp
  42. Helps to provide nourishment of hair follicle
  43. Helps to support stronger, healthier & lustrous hair
  44. Control hair fall & helps to prevent dandruff
  45. Gentle botanicals enhance shine & softness of hair
  46. It is stimulating healthy hair growth from root to tip
  47. It continuously promotes scalp metabolism when used regularly and hair keeps growing healthier & stronger
  48. Helps existing hair grow more beautifully
  49. Keep the hair you have and experience thicker, more luxurious hair than ever before
  50. Suitable for all type of hair
  51. It also works on all oily and dry curly and straight hair textures
  52. Safe and effective against breakage and dandruff & reduces hair loss
  53. Fast acting super strength formula
  54. Specially designed and formulated for both men and women.
  55. 100% herbal & natural
  56. Safe & No side effects

Active Ingredients of HAIRTON: Rosemary, Arnica, Vitamin A, Indian Gooseberry, Aloe Vera, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2,  Vitamin B3, Pantothenic Acid, Bacopa Monnieri, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Eclipta, Horsetail, Sage,  Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Stinging Nettle, Burdock, Chamomile, Protein, Omega 3, Tyrosine, Cysteine, Saw Palmetto, Basil, Iron, Magnesium, Selenium, Green Tea, Calcium, Chromium,  Copper, Lavender, He Shou Wu, Iodine & Zinc.

Recommended Dosage: As a 100% natural herbal product, take 1 or 2 capsules twice a day (after breakfast and another after dinner) with water, for optimum results, Follow an HAIRTON herbal capsules regularly course for 3 to 4 months to get thicker, longer, stronger & healthy hair.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is there any side effect of Hairton herbal capsule?

It is safe and no side effects have been reported till date. It is a non-prescription and natural product for hair growth made of valuable and scientifically proven herbal ingredients in our formulation and can be taken with other herbal products or medicines. You can use this product Hairton herbal capsule for long time without any fear of side effects.

How long I need to use Hairton herbal capsule for hair growth?

As Hairton herbal capsule is a natural product, you cannot expect overnight result. It is recommended to use this herbal treatment for hair growth consistently for 3 to 4 months to get satisfactory result. As Hairton is a pure herbal product, you can continue its usage for as long as you wish.

How can I purchase Hairton herbal capsule?

Hairton herbal capsule is presently available only online. It is a high-quality herbal product for hair growth and can be purchased securely from this website.